
In an era of misguided technological innovation, teachers in Sweden are taking things back to basics. A movement in the country’s education system is emphasizing analog technology like actual books and handwriting in a bid to make education more effective.



If you’re behind on what’s happening with the robot uprising, have no fear. Here’s a quick look at some of the weirdest and wildest artificial intelligence news from the past week.

  • The Pentagon wants to beef up its automated drone hordes with some AI. File that under Things That Will Keep You Up At Night.

If you’ve ever had the privilege (or curse) of listening in on a corporate earnings call, you probably noticed that the executives behave a little mechanically.


The saga of the AI-generated song that sounds like The Weeknd and Drake continues. After the head honcho behind the Grammys indicated that “Heart on My Sleeve” would be eligible for the award, it appears that the track is dead in the water.


ChatGPT’s explosion in popularity may have been short-lived as the number of website visits dropped for the third consecutive month, according to data released by Similarweb on Thursday.


As the tidal wave of hare-brained AI innovation continues to slam into our society, music is proving to be a battleground.