Tech Insider
Satya Nadella
Microsoft Satya Nadella is lobbing a warning shot across Google's bow with the company's investment in OpenAI — and its use in the Bing search engine.

Google plans to begin including AI-generated text answers to search queries in the coming months. The announcement came at the company’s (kind of slapdash) live event in Paris on Wednesday, along with numerous other updates to Search, Maps, and more.

Tech Insider
hands texting with google search bar pop up in corner
Microsoft's and Google's new AI-boosted search engines give conversational answers to complex questions.
Gizmodo : Technology

Microsoft reps came out swinging Tuesday in a massive press blitz, though they were acting more like an artificial intelligence-driven Terminator than any live human being. Sure, the product folks at the company’s conference held at Microsoft’s Redmond, Washington headquarters and on the company blog talked with all…


Tech Insider
sam altman
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman touted tools including "GPT-3.5" at the Microsoft event Tuesday in Redmond, Washington.

Nothing has made the tech industry cower quite the way ChatGPT has. While some have tried to hop on board asap, others—like Google—are attempting to compete.