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A side-by-side with a photo of a leafhopper on the left and black-and-white image of brochosomes on the right.
Leafhoppers (left) are a common backyard insect that secrete amazingly complex nanoparticles called brochosomes (right).
Tech Insider

Researchers came upon a social media post that led them to the discovery of a new species of sea squirt.  

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Chart of oVert scans
OVert's CT scans reveal a myriad of information about the anatomy of thousands of specimens, offering insight into how these animals lived and reproduced.
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A picture shows a frog with a small mushroom sprouting out of its side
A Rao's Intermediate Golden-backed frog is shown with a mushroom sprouting out of its side on 19 June 2023
Tech Insider
Ancient human bone fragment against a black background with 1 cm ruler for scale
Researchers extracted ancient human bone fragments from the Ilsenhöhle cave in Ranis, Germany.
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a picture shows ancient bones in situ in gravelly soil. The skeleton's shins are folded back against the person's chest.
Ancient remains dating back around 2,000 years suggest a cousin of syphilis spread around South America then, but not the sexually transmitted kind.
Tech Insider
A live shark's fin with a giant hole in it.
Rather than a tracking tag telling scientists where this shark traveled, its violent removal let them observe an unexpected regeneration process.
Tech Insider
A photo montage shows a close up of a spider next to a picture of biologist Sara Goodacre. Goodacre is shown wearing white protective gear in a laboratory, looking up at scientific equipment.
Biologist Sara Goodacre, seen in this photo montage, studies spider silk for use in medicine and engineering.