
Since taking office, Joe Biden has made it known that he’s going to take cybercrime seriously. It’s not the case that Biden is the world’s most tech-savvy octonarian, rather, he’s simply responding to security challenges that have developed on his watch—most notably a string of increasingly destructive cyberattacks…


A prominent DNA testing firm has settled a pair of lawsuits with the attorney generals of Pennsylvania and Ohio after a 2021 episode that saw cybercriminals steal data on 2.1 million people, including the social security numbers of 45,000 customers from both states. As a result of the lawsuits, the company in…


Federal prosecutors are squinting pretty hard, trying to keep an eye on what the failed FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been doing while he’s been ordered by the court to live under his parents’ roof. The young crypto founder has reportedly been accessing the internet using a VPN, and the U.S. Attorneys Office is…