Gizmodo : Politics

Former President Donald Trump shared a video on Truth Social Monday afternoon referencing “the creation of a unified Reich” among possible headlines that would read if he wins re-election in November. Trump deleted the video sometime around 8:30 a.m. ET on Tuesday after receiving stark criticism.

Gizmodo : Sports

Adidas has banned fans from personalizing the German national team jersey with the number “44” after outrage over the resulting resemblance to Nazi symbolism.



AI chatbots made headlines this week with a range of glaring flubs that were hard to look past. Tech companies are rushing to show off their non-offensive, error-free AI chatbots. They’re hoping to show investors that the billions of dollars spent on this technology was a good investment. This week, AI chatbots showed…



After months of waiting, OpenAI finally launched its GPT Store, where paying subscribers can now access a library of custom AI chatbots.


Michigan State University has suspended an employee it said was responsible for allowing a quiz question about Hitler and an image of the dictator to be broadcast on the video screen before the school’s football game against Michigan on Saturday. The School’s Associate Athletic Director, Matt Larson issued an apology…



On March 29, 2023, more than 500 top technologists and business leaders signed onto an eye-catching open letter begging artificial intelligence labs to immediately pause all training on any AI systems more powerful than


io9 is proud to present fiction from Lightspeed Magazine. Once a month, we feature a story from Lightspeed’s current issue. This month’s selection is “Money in the Bank” by John Kessel & Bruce Sterling.


I’m a Grant Howitt stan, so when Rowan, Rook & Decard announced their newest endeavor,