Gizmodo : Environment

NASA is building a compact seismometer for its upcoming Artemis 3 mission to the Moon, hoping to learn more about the internal structure of the dusty satellite from its lunar tremors.


Gizmodo : Environment

A jawbone found in Somerset, England, may belong to the largest marine reptile yet known, a huge ichthyosaur that lived about 200 million years ago. The new species is dubbed Ichthyotitan severnensis and may have been over 80 feet long, according to the team’s estimates. The finding means that ichthyosaurs could have…


Gizmodo : Environment

In a little more than 30 years, we went from knowing only of the planets in our star system to discovering over 5,000 distant worlds spread across the cosmos. So far, none have looked quite like Earth. If an Earth-like planet was orbiting another star, however, it may look different than our precious pale blue dot. In…


Gizmodo : Environment

Much of the ocean’s life remains a mystery to us, but an international team of scientists has just filled in a few blanks after a 40-day expeditionto the Salas y Gómez Ridge. The ridge is a lengthy corridor filled with over 100 underwater mountains that extends from Chile to Rapa Nui, more commonly known as Easter…


Gizmodo : Environment

Well, this is awkward. A NASA investigation confirmed that a small piece of trash tossed from the International Space Station (ISS) survived atmospheric reentry and ended up in a Florida home. This is a rare case of space junk causing damage on Earth, and the homeowner may be seeking legal action.


Gizmodo : Environment

Pyrite, the yellow metal known as fool’s gold, has another trick up its sleeve: it can contain lithium, a crucial element in the world’s quest for greener energy, according to a team of researchers that studied rock deposits in the eastern United States.


Gizmodo : Environment

A Japanese mission to stalk, capture, and hurl space junk into the atmosphere is progressing rather nicely. The orbital garbage truck recently completed the rendezvous phase, parking next to a second stage rocket that’s been aimlessly zipping around Earth orbit since 2009.


Tech Insider : Economy, Environment
Volunteers begin planting a pocket forest in Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park on April 6, 2024.
Volunteers begin planting a pocket forest in Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park on April 6, 2024.
Gizmodo : Environment

The U.S. Space Force is partnering with two companies to launch a demonstration mission of how the military branch would respond to an orbital adversary.