Tech Insider : Environment, Business
Salisbury Beach MA after March 10 storm
Salisbury Beach, MA sustained significant coastal erosion after a storm swelled tides to 13.5 feet on March 10, destroying a human-made dune funded by residents.
Gizmodo : Environment

In the current era of spaceflight, the Moon is arguably the place to be. International space agencies and private companies alike are racing to the lunar surface, hoping to establish a permanent presence on Earth’s natural satellite that would propel them to farther celestial pitstops. All that increased activity on…


Gizmodo : Environment

Icy moons like Europa and Enceladus are exciting venues for the prospect of life beyond Earth, because they are thought to contain oceans of water beneath their frigid surfaces.


Gizmodo : Environment

Things have been heating up for the Sun, as the star approaches peak activity during its 11-year cycle, with giant eruptions bursting regularly from its surface. Luckily for us, this coincides with the Moon passing between the Earth and its host star, offering a captivating view of the solar corona during the upcoming…


Gizmodo : Environment

Millions of people across North America will soon have the opportunity to witness a rare and special astronomical event—a total solar eclipse—during which the Moon will completely obscure the Sun along an exceptionally long path of totality. To prepare you for the Great North American Solar Eclipse, we’ve put…


Gizmodo : Environment

Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring material on Earth, but a supercomputer just modeled stuff that’s even harder. Called a ‘super-diamond,’ the theoretical material could exist beyond our planet—and maybe, one day, be created here on Earth.


Gizmodo : Environment

Abandon all hope, ye who enter the waters off Cyprus. A team of researchers report that the giant water bug L. patruelis has arrived in the country, sparking concerns that the creature has an established presence on the island.