Tech Insider
Lincoln, Kansas
Lincoln, Kansas.
  • Some towns and cities want people to move there so badly that they give things away for free.
  • Some places are offering property to free homes or land.
  • Here's a list of cities across the country that give free property to movers.

A decent plot of land can be hard to come by.

Tech Insider
The log deck at the Sierra Pacific Industries lumber mill is viewed on August 9, 2022, in Oroville, California.
The log deck at the Sierra Pacific Industries lumber mill in Oroville, California, on August 9, 2022.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Snow covers downtown rooftops and open spaces in Flensburg, Germany.
Land value taxes would incentivize development on valuable urban land, discouraging surface parking lots and other forms of land use that generate relatively little value.
Gizmodo : Environment

Mammals are halfway through their era on this planet. We’ve existed about 250 million years since mammals evolved on earth and we only have another 250 million left before most of the world is no longer habitable.


Tech Insider
Buildings still smolder days after a wildfire gutted downtown Lahaina on August 11, 2023.
Buildings still smolder days after a wildfire gutted downtown Lahaina on August 11, 2023.
Gizmodo : Environment

Several grassroots groups opposed to solar projects in local areas may have one thing in common: a Virginia-based group with powerful GOP connections advising them on strategy.