Tech Insider

We made it to Friday, friends. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I don't drink alcohol. I know sobriety is a pretty personal conversation for a lot of people. And it used to be something I hid by pretending to take shots or by making up an excuse about medicine.

Tech Insider

It's Thursday, buds. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I've tried really hard to avoid Beef spoilers.

Tech Insider

Good morning, readers. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I feel pretty behind compared to my peers.

Tech Insider

It's tech (and tax) Tuesday, friends. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I'm back from spending time with family abroad.

Tech Insider
Tesla worker told Bloomberg that the company tracks their keystrokes.
The Jae-hong family has amassed a fortune of over $800 million thanks to a single Tesla order.