Tech Insider : Economy
Jordan Howlett
Jordan Howlett often shoots his popular TikToks with this style.
Tech Insider
A family shopping for a home with a Realtor.
They might not care as much about the milestone, but most adult Gen Zers are out-pacing older generations in homeownership, according to Redfin.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
a gen z couple in their new home
Gen Zers might be well poised for homeownership, while millennials fall behind.
Tech Insider : Economy
Gen Zer taking a photo of a house featuring a 'Sold' real estate sign in the foreground. On the side, an older couple (previous owners) stands, gazing at the property and holding a suitcase.
No generation has shaped the modern housing market more than baby boomers. Now their reign is coming to an end, and Gen Z is coming for the crown.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Two women laughing outside a store
Recent data from the Federal Reserve indicates the median net worth of Americans ages 35 to 44 was $135,000 in 2022, up from $105,610 in 2019.