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Woman smiling in a boat with her hands raised
Tech Insider : Economy
A young woman standing in front of a house
Like millennials, Gen Z is living with their parents well into their 20s. But in the long run, it may not be a good idea.
Tech Insider
Gabrielle Dawson left her hometown for a job she said she was let go from three months later.
Gabrielle Dawson said she was laid off from her job three months after she relocated.
Tech Insider
A woman walking in an office is holding a box of items
A woman was fired, and she thinks one reason is that she did her job too well (stock image).
Tech Insider
Passengers walk through a passageway at Union Station in Los Angeles
With five generations going to work, friction can arise.
Tech Insider
Couple in front of a house.
Boomers are unlikely to downsize given the current affordability conditions, Redfin said.