Tech Insider
Hurricane Irma
Deepmind's AI model was able to predict where a hurricane would make landfall days before conventional forecasters.
Tech Insider
Inflection AI cofounder and CEO Mustafa Suleyman.
Mustafa Suleyman, DeepMind cofounder who also founded Inflection AI last year said we should made AI doesn't update code without oversight.
Tech Insider
Elon Musk posing for a photo in a questioning manner in front of a space-themed background.
Elon Musk considered spending less time trying to fix Twitter in favor of focusing on AI concerns and colonizing Mars.
Tech Insider
Mustafa Suleyman
Mustafa Suleyman, the cofounder of Google's AI division, told CNBC that everybody will have their own AI-powered personal assistant that could serve as one's "chief of staff" over the next five years.

Google’s DeepMind says it has cracked a problem that has vexed those trying to verify whether images are real or created by AI. Researchers proclaimed their new watermarking SynthID format can be used to pinpoint AI-generated deepfakes without distorting the image’s original quality. The catch is that the program…


Tech Insider
Mark Zuckerberg speaks on stage against a blue background.
Mark Zuckerberg is focusing more of Meta's efforts on commercializing AI.
Tech Insider
Demis Hassabis arrives at the
DeepMind boss Demis Hassabis believes some form of AGI will arrive in a few years.