Tech Insider
Tesla sign
Tesla denied its Autopilot software was responsible for a fatal crash in 2019.

Tesla gained a victory in a lawsuit against its driver-assistance software on Tuesday.

Tech Insider
Gavin Jackson
Oxa CEO Gavin Jackson has said that self-driving cars are "a long way" from being able to "drive everywhere."

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating Tesla vehicles for an “Elon Mode” feature that allegedly lets the driver-assistance system take over for drivers for an extensive amount of time.

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
broken down tesla with flat tires trailing behind two speeding cars, surrounded by pins on the ground made of the upside-down tesla logo, against a red road and sky
Tesla spent the past two decades defying expectations and disrupting the automotive industry, but now it's starting to fall behind the rest of the auto industry.