Tech Insider
Bite wounds on a fin whale's fin is evidence of a killer whale attack, NOAA says.
Bite wounds on a fin whale's fin is evidence of a killer whale attack, NOAA says.
Tech Insider
Musk + Donut
Elon Musk loves donuts. The Twitter CEO recently tweeted that he eats a donut every morning.
Tech Insider
Two people in white coverall suits look at the machinery at the National Ignition Facility Target Area.
Operators inspect the National Ignition Facility target chamber where the fusion ignition experiments take place.
Tech Insider
A heritage breed black Spanish tom turkey free ranging in a grassy green field.
Farmers bread turkeys to grow so big, so fast, that their skeletons couldn't keep up and their legs gave in. Heritage turkey breeds, like this one, don't have that problem.
Tech Insider
Black pipes attached to cement blocks underwater
The SharkSafe Barrier uses pipes and magnets to create a physical and magnetic barrier for sharks.
Tech Insider
orange cat with white markings and blue eyes crouched on a grey couch watching a red laser with sciencey graphics and symbols lightly overlayed on the image
A screenshot from the video NASA laser-beamed to Earth from deep space.
Tech Insider
A high school student in a navy blazer and white shirt holds a black headset
Canadian high school student Anush Mutyala with the headset he used as part of his neural implant science fair project.
Tech Insider
A circular window with molten salt pouring onto a surface
Molten salts are used as coolants in the Papirus installation at CEA Cadarache in Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France.