
January was pretty busy for consumer tech. We saw some impressive stuff revealed at CES 2024 and also reviewed a handful of big releases in the following weeks. Let’s take a gander at the best gadgets that stood out this month.



CES 2024 was certainly interesting this year; while we did anticipate AI being inserted into everything from TVs to cars, there were some genuine surprises from the show floor here in


It would be nice to tune into the world without taking off my headphones. That’s the premise behind Auracast, a new broadcasting feature coming to Bluetooth. Not only can the headphones and earbuds you use now tap into the capability, but so can hearing aids. I got to try out the technology at CES 2024, and I can…


Among several cool releases, including a cute little robot and an 8K projector, Samsung also released a picture frame at CES 2024, which is actually a wireless speaker. I haven’t decided yet on whether this is impressive or unnecessary.


Every year I attend CES, I often regret leaving something behind. The thing is, I’m not a heavy packer; I’ve been at this work travel game long enough that I figured out how to fit a week’s worth of clothing, amenities, and comforts in a suitcase that fits in the overhead bin. But I need a ton of stuff to make the six…


As the Consumer Tech team prepares to head to Las Vegas for CES 2024 next week, we cannot stop thinking about LG’s adorable 4K projector while also wondering what an Xbox-inspired BLT would taste like. Oh, and we also rounded up the top product stories of the week.


LG recently announced a new 4K projector, the CineBeam Qube, and I’m pretty smitten with it. It supports 4K and can project up to 120 inches, but its “eye-catching minimal aesthetic” is what the company seems most proud of. The CineBeam Qube is pretty cute.