
In a move to “consolidate their global footprint,” Lucasfilm is shutting down its Singapore visual effects and animation studio. This division of Industrial Light and Magic was established in 2004 as the lead studio for Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


“Warrior. Outcast. Rebel. Jedi,” the first trailer for Ahsoka blares at us, trying to distill the life of one of Star Wars’ modern success stories—across mediums and eras as the titular heroine now finds herself on the precipice of her own live-action series—into just four words.


One of the best things about a brand new Star Wars show is brand new Star Wars tech. Blasters, ships, armors and, of course, lightsabers.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has turned 20 years old, but its visual legacy remains as iconic as ever. Despite being relegated to “Legends” status when Disney first purchased Lucasfilm, key elements of the game continue to influence the galaxy far, far away.


Giancarlo Esposito, notorious for taking on bad guy roles, spoke to Star Wars Insider about his return to Star Wars via the Imperial security officer, Grand Moff Gideon.


This week’s Mandalorian whisked us back to the ravaged homeworld of the once-warrior race, Mandalore, to further delve into the complicated history of its people and its warring cultures.


The next Star Wars Celebration is just a month away—promising news on the franchise’s future, but also giving us a veritable sea of merch to ogle.


In Star Wars, you’re always wondering what’s happening off-screen. Where was Luke when this was happening? Did Rey know about this? Wouldn’t Yoda be around at this time?