Tech Insider
Seattle, Washington
Seattle is one of the cities in the US that's seen the biggest increase in the number of homes for sale since last year.
Tech Insider

Happy Saturday, readers. I'm Phil Rosen. 

I'm eager to share today's conversation with a top strategist about changes to the current investing landscape — but first I have a question. 

Who should I speak to next? 

Tech Insider
A photo of a young family in front of a house with a for sale sign in the foreground.
If you're not in a rush for housing, it’s probably better to improve your credit instead of getting a subprime loan.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Illustration of a figure in profile filled with a vibrantly colored city and light beams emanating from a window, surrounded by grey smoke
City downtowns aren't doomed — the rise of remote work is about to spark the Big City Renaissance.

America's great cities are in a precarious spot.

Tech Insider : Economy

Happy hump day, team. I'm senior reporter Phil Rosen, writing to you just blocks away from where Goldman Sachs held their second-ever investor day on Tuesday. 

If you're not familiar with investor days, it's basically when a company gives an update on where they stand and where they're going. 

Goldman's first one was in 2020 — but a lot has changed since then

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
An hourglass shape filled with houses, suitcases, cars, and money at the top and a hand pinching the middle.
Boomers have created a bottleneck of workers and housing, crippling the economy for millennials and Gen Z.

Their greed destroyed the economy — and now millennials and Gen Z are paying the price