Tech Insider : Economy
Hands knitting a scarf made out of money
Hobbies have been killed off and milked for cash — but in the rush to turn a passion into a side hustle, the fire a person has for that activity can be snuffed out.

How side hustles turned everyone's leisure activities into work

Tech Insider : Economy
A man sitting in a wheelchair reading a newspaper accompanied by a young adult
Many Chinese young adults are opting to stay at home and get paid to care for their parents, rather than taking a traditional full-time job.
Tech Insider : Economy
Morning commuter traffic backs up on Interstate 80 westbound in Berkeley, Calif. Tuesday, April 6, 2021.
Morning commuter traffic backs up on Interstate 80 westbound in Berkeley, Calif. Tuesday, April 6, 2021.
Tech Insider : Economy
businessman leaving work for the beach
Employees following a "triple peak" workday are signing off early to run errands or do leisurely activities — perhaps a trip to the beach? — before logging on again at night to wrap up their work.