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The La Brea tar pits museum with tall buildings around it and a lawn in front
Located in Los Angeles, the La Brea tar pits are a piece of the ancient past stretching back 50,000 years.
Tech Insider
A young teenager walks on the beach holding tools for excavating fossils and wearing a red jacket and backup
Forrest Sheperd as a teenager walking on the beach near where he found an ancient walrus skull.
Tech Insider
Computer animations of two giant dinosaurs locked in a fight.
Scientists discovered a new dinosaur species that was comparable in size to T. rex.
Tech Insider
A photograph of an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History showing a reconstructed model of a Sicilian dwarf elephant and its baby.
An adult Sicilian dwarf elephant was about the size of Shetland pony. Its baby was more akin to a dog.

Here’s something to chew on: a fossilized trilobite from the Ordovician Period, which is so well preserved that a team of paleontologists was able to identify its last meal, now mineralized in the creature’s fossil stomach.


Tech Insider
An artist's impression of 150-million-year-old avialan theropod Fujianvenator prodigiosus shows a leggy, plumed dinosaur screatching as it stands over a prey.
An artist's impression of Fujianvenator prodigiosus. Scientists think this dinosaur could be a much needed missing link in the history of bird evolution around the Jurassic period.
Tech Insider
A 3D scan of facial remains shows what we know of the skull uncovered in East Asia. This skull's top is reminiscent of modern humans, but its chin is more like an archaic human.
A computer generated image of the remains from the skull of HLD 6 (show in yellow).
Tech Insider
Children playing in wet weather clothes near a replica of a velociraptor.
Children playing in a dinosaur exhibit in in Woodland Hills, California. A paleontologist has weighed in on which dinosaurs would be most dangerous to humans.