Gizmodo : Environment

A library in New Jersey issued an urgent statement after learning that the eclipse glasses handed out to its patrons may have been fake.



The total solar eclipse will be visible to millions of people in North America on April 8, and experts warn that it’s vital everyone wears proper eye protection.


During the total solar eclipse on April 8, millions of people across North America will stare directly into the Sun—hopefully through eclipse glasses or hand-held viewers. Sadly, fakes are entering into the market, but there are steps you can take to make sure you’ve got the real deal.


The upcoming total solar eclipse promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but viewing the celestial spectacle without


On Tuesday, Maine residents voted overwhelmingly in favor of a new automotive right-to-repair ballot initiative forcing car manufacturers to provide independent mechanics and technicians with the same diagnostics they give to authorized repair shops.


Amazon is facing a class-action lawsuit that was filed on Thursday, claiming the company did not inform Amazon Go customers that they were being recorded at its New York City location.


In a classic “whoopsie” situation, a health data breach affecting members of the US House of Representatives and their staff exposed social security numbers, names of family members, emails, phone numbers, and home addresses, which are now for sale on the dark web. Senators and their staff were also affected, but…