Tech Insider : Environment
A researcher stands in front of bleached coral samples preserved in water at a research site.
Temperatures off the Florida coast exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit in July, causing significant damage to nearby coral.
Tech Insider : Climate Crisis, Economy
Tourists cool off near a fan as they queue to enter Rome's Colosseum.
Tourists cool off near a fan as they queue to enter Rome's Colosseum on July 18.
Tech Insider : Economy
In 2019, protestors stood outside of the Phoenix Art Museum, holding pictures of Stephanie Pullman.
Protestors gathered in 2019 after a power company in Phoenix shut off electricity to a 72-year-old woman, Stephanie Pullman, when the temperature reached 107 degrees. She died — and advocates say her memory is behind efforts even still today to keep people safe when it's super-hot.
Tech Insider : Climate Crisis
A person tries to cool off by pressing a cold towel to his face.
Phoenix on Wednesday had a record 20 consecutive days of temperatures reaching 110 degrees or beyond.
Tech Insider : Climate Crisis
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