Tech Insider : Economy
Jeffrey Snow, a former math teacher who lacks housing, sits under the I-95 expressway in Miami.
Jeffrey Snow, a former math teacher who lacks housing, sits under the I-95 expressway in Miami.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
A man claiming to be an Iraq War veteran begs for money on a pedestrian walkway in Las Vegas, Nevada in July 2022.
A man who says he is an Iraq War veteran begs for money on a pedestrian walkway in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Tech Insider : Economy
Dia Broncucia and Justin Searls both were participants in the Denver Basic Income Project.
Dia Broncucia and Justin Searls both are participants in the Denver Basic Income Project.
Tech Insider
Left, Liberty Justice; Right, RV rented by Justice
Liberty Justice lives in a van she rents from a vanlord.
Tech Insider
photograph of a tiny home
Nathaniel "Pee Wee" Lee lives in a unit at the Episcopal Church of the Advocate in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.