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black hole polarization image shows a circle of bright yellow and diffuse orange light in the blackness of space with lines swirling in one direction along the circle and a black spot in the middle
The Event Horizon Telescope's polarized view of Sagittarius A*. The lines mark the orientation of polarization, which is related to the magnetic field around the shadow of the black hole.
Tech Insider
elon musk smiling and jeff bezos laughing collaged and overlaid on the moon
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos each have big plans on the moon and beyond, through their respective companies SpaceX and Blue Origin.
Tech Insider
An artist's concept of what lunar mining could look like. An astronaut is seen taking measurements in the foreground while rovers and various instruments are in the background of the illustration. The scene is set on the surface of the moon.
An artist's illustration of what mining on the moon might look like.

Space tourism has unlocked a new brand of luxury travel, one which promises expensive meals and designer flight suits with views of Earth’s curvature as a backdrop. A Florida-based startup is offering six passengers the chance to ride on board its balloon-propelled capsule while chowing down on what it claims to be…


Tech Insider
Voyager 1
NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has been traveling through space for nearly 50 years.
Tech Insider
Gold plated Voyager 1 and 2 record
Elon Musk wrote in an X post on Wednesday that he has one of the Golden Records.