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illustration of Europa
This illustration of Europa shows how its icy surface may shine even on its night side, because Jupiter is constantly bombarding it with radiation.
Tech Insider : Technology
satellite against backdrop of space
MethaneSAT is the first of a new wave of satellites designed to pinpoint sources of methane emissions.
Tech Insider
Simulated image of a satellite collision in space
A simulated image of a satellite collision and the resulting debris.
Tech Insider
gold moon lander upside down on grey lunar surface beside image of a new crater on the moon with white disturbed regolith around it
While Japan's moon-landing error caused its robot to land upside-down (left), Israeli nonprofit SpaceIL's error caused its lander to crash (right).
Tech Insider
earth in space with swirling clouds green and brown continents overlaid with giant calendar illustration showing February 29
Leap Day is coming up and its purpose is to keep our seasons in check.
Tech Insider
Side by side of jupiter
Jupiter as seen by Voyager 1 (left) is far less detailed than this enhanced imaged of Jupiter captured by Juno.
Tech Insider

A Houston company made history by successfully landing the first commercial US spacecraft on the moon, more than 50 years after the US made its last crewed landing.