
What started as a 24-hour hackathon project last weekend could empower the open-source community to upend the smart glasses industry. Five team members built a $20 pair of smart glasses, dubbed Open Glass, that connects what you see and hear to an AI chatbot, such as Meta’s Llama 3.



There’s been a lot of talk about AGI lately—artificial general intelligence—the much-coveted AI development goal that every company in Silicon Valley is currently racing to achieve. AGI refers to a hypothetical point in the future when AI algorithms will be able to do most of the jobs that humans currently do.…


A good way to get the full scope of the current debate surrounding AI is to know the people involved. Time magazine, in all its wisdom, now has its own list of the top 100 figures most important to the AI debate to help us all get to know the players. There are a hell of a lot of AI founders on there, but despite…


  • If there’s one thing you do this week it should be listening to Werner Herzog read poetry written by a chatbot.


Tech Insider
giada pistilli - ai ethicist at huggingface
Here is what Giada Pistilli's job as Principal Ethicist at Hugging Face entails, as told to Insider's Aaron Mok.