
What a long road it’s been for Star Trek: Discovery, getting from there to here.


Star Trek has been an important fixture of sci-fi TV for decades, and alongside its continued existence, movies have helped further flesh out the characters.


It was our first look at the vision of Star Trek’s future: the original ship model of the USS Enterprise that zoomed across screens in the show’s opening credits. But after being loaned out during the making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, it had gone missing... until now.


There’s more Star Trek around right now than there has been since its ‘90s heyday, but there’s not exactly all that much of it in comparison. The franchise’s resurgence in the age of streaming has meant condensed seasons—these days, the average season is often half the size (or less) of one from the broadcast era.


For almost three decades, one of the most famous pieces of furniture in Star Trek history was lost. The Captain’s chair of the U.S.S.


The next Star Trek movie is upon us, and no, it’s not got anything to do with Chris Pine or Jean-Luc Picard: Michelle Yeoh is back in sneaky action for


The unfortunate removal of Star Trek: Prodigy from Paramount+ earlier this year hasn’t been a killing blow for the team on the animated series, who continue to work on finishing the