
SpaceX is working with the National Reconnaissance Office to build a classified system of swarming spy satellites, according to a report published by Reuters. And while the $1.8 billion contract was reportedly signed in 2021, news of the program’s ties to NRO just leaked on Saturday—a great reminder that it’s entirely…


Several former Twitter executives filed a lawsuit on Monday alleging Elon Musk illegally tried to stiff them out of severance totaling roughly $128 million.


They say you should never build statues of anyone still living when those figures still have enough time to disappoint you. Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk has had plenty of time to spare in that department, having tanked his self-made reputation as a billionaire genius. The man already has one major book…



Elon Musk unveiled ‘Grok’ Saturday, a snarky, anti-woke AI chatbot that has access to all tweets, giving real-time knowledge about the world – if you can call everything on X ‘knowledge’.


Elon Musk’s social media venture is getting curiouser and curiouser. Following some bizarre infrastructure changes (like rebranding the entire site’s iconic name and imagery), Musk has now made the decision to strip links of their headlines when they’re shared to the platform.


If he wasn’t known for running EV car maker Tesla, Elon Musk would still be known for SpaceX, his spacecraft and satellite company with Martian ambitions. Or for Neuralink, a company working on developing implantable brain–computer interfaces. Or for X.AI, the latest entry in the artificial intelligence arms race. Or,…



Last week, it was reported that Elon Musk shut off access to SpaceX’s Starlink in Crimea last year, but following an outcry of condemnation, the source of the story issued a correction saying Musk was asked to turn on access but he had a policy against doing so already in place. U.S.