
When Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web back in 1989, he probably didn’t imagine that his new system would be the repository for all of humanity’s worst impulses, but here we are.


More people are making video games than ever before, but most games are still designed by teams of professionals. There’s a barrier of technical skills that keeps the average person from making their own game, but in 2024, that’s going to change. AI is going to make game development so easy that you’ll be able to…


The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement on Wednesday, asking that ChatGPT be destroyed, along with any other large language models and training sets that have used The Times’ work without payment.


The lonely “Windows” button on most modern keyboards is an old joke turned into a bore. The key is a lonely, barren island sitting between “alt” and “ctrl” that’s long proved more of a nuisance for a wayward finger that strays a little too far southwest than it is a usable function. While some might find the key good…


I want to love Siri. I really do. Every day, I walk around with a little robot that lives in my pocket and responds to simple commands. It is a full-blown miracle, the kind of thing our ancestors could only dream of. The problem is Siri’s an idiot. My digital assistant and others like it from Google and Amazon are…



By all accounts, the European Union’s AI Act seems like something that would make tech ethicists happy. The landmark artificial intelligence law, which enjoyed a huge legislative win this week, seeks to institute a broad regulatory framework that would tackle the harms posed by the new technology.


There were a few AI product launches this week. Google released Gemini, it’s newest AI platform, while Grok, Elon Musk’s annoying chatbot, rolled out to X Premium users. Apple, meanwhile, tried to keep up by open-source machine learning framework. Not quite as exciting. That said, the AI industry…



Presto, the self-acclaimed “leader in drive-thru voice automation” wants artificial intelligence to take your order. The drive-thru AI company works with Carls Jr, Chili’s, and Del Taco, and it partially runs on ChatGPT.


Google’s launch of Gemini yesterday was like a bellowing announcement that a new king has arrived in the AI space, but Apple had its own AI launch, or more like a quiet whimper that tried to go unnoticed. The iPhone creator released an open-source machine learning framework, MLX, that runs on Apple’s chips.