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A pair of spacecraft is undergoing final testing before a roughly 230 million mile journey to explore the Red Planet.


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To all the space probes we’ve loved before: sorry! You fell into Saturn, drifted into deep space, suffocated in Martian dust—all for the greater good of science. Today, we’re memorializing the space explorers that met dramatic endings far, far from Earth.


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The findings from an independent review board suggest that NASA’s quest to return samples from Mars is riddled with challenges and seemingly impossible to accomplish under the current cost and schedule expectations.


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Rocket launches are expensive and laborious, but for decades they’ve been the price of doing business for space agencies hoping to get their latest satellite, telescope, or team of astronauts into the great blue yonder.


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The majority of the American public seems largely concerned with the threat of incoming asteroids, believing that NASA should prioritize the monitoring of rocky objects that could hit Earth over going to the Moon or Mars, according to a new survey.


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For more than two years, NASA’s Perseverance rover has been roaming Mars, drilling for rock samples that may hold clues to ancient life on the Red Planet, but the six-wheeled robot can only travel so far. Luckily, the rover recently got some extra help from a river that once flowed on the surface of Mars.