
Project Hail Mary continues to expand its cast. An Uncharted sequel is actually happening. The Street Fighter movie has lost its directors. Plus, Jordan Peele’s next mystery project has a release date, and more familiar faces are confirmed for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Spoilers now!



The Legend of Zelda franchise has dabbled a few times with letting players actually get to play as Zelda herself—she’s been a playable character in spinoffs, fighting games, and, somehow, two of those


Alan Wake 2 was one of the best games of last year, and now players have a reason to start up the game again. And this time, it has very little to do with Alan Wake himself.



Do you like action movies? Do you like the ones where a bunch of crazy nonsense is happening that seems like it defies all the laws of physics?


Last year, Lego returned after years away to the realm of Middle-earth, delivering one of the most remarkable sets it’s ever made in in Rivendell, a gorgeous tribute


Ask anyone who plays video games extensively, and they more than likely have at least two studios they go to bat for.