
A team of scientists say they may have found a new way to mitigate one of the most dangerous complications of space travel: the steady and inevitable loss of bone mass. In new research published this week, the team’s experimental treatment was able to promote bone growth in mice living aboard the International Space…

Gizmodo : Environment

If there’s one drink you should pack with you on a future trip to space, let it be kombucha. The fizzy, fermented drink has not only taken over trendy spots in Brooklyn, but it can also be found in low Earth orbit as part of an ongoing experiment of its resilience in the harsh space environment.


Gizmodo : Environment

A new decadal survey from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine just dropped, and establishing a sustained human presence off-Earth is on the docket.


In order to contact its interplanetary spacecraft, NASA relies on an array of giant radio antennas spread across different parts of the world. The trusty communications network has been transferring data back and forth for more than 60 years but its antennas are currently operating at capacity, with an anticipated…


Tech Insider
A photo shows Jon Goodwin, and mother-daughter duo Keisha Schahaff and Anastatia Mayers, posing in their spacesuits in front of a purple background.
Left to right: Anastatia Mayers, Jon Goodwin, and Keisha Schahaff are flying to the edge of space on Virgin Galactic's first tourism spaceflight.
Gizmodo : Environment

Axiom Space will fly a fourth crew to the International Space Station (ISS) as NASA once again selects the private space venture for another mission to low Earth orbit.


Gizmodo : Environment

A massive outburst from the Sun was felt across three worlds in a rare event that could help protect astronauts from harmful radiation during future missions.

Gizmodo : Environment

The majority of the American public seems largely concerned with the threat of incoming asteroids, believing that NASA should prioritize the monitoring of rocky objects that could hit Earth over going to the Moon or Mars, according to a new survey.