Tech Insider
An orca calf swimming off the Laguna Beach coast.
A local wildlife organization said it saw about 13 orcas (not pictured) struggling for air off the coast of Hokkaido, Japan.
Tech Insider
An iced coffee at a self-service machine
An iced coffee at a self-service machine.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
G7 leaders Hiroshima 2023
The US economy has been outpacing the growth of its G7 peers.
Tech Insider
moon surface grey rocky slope with yellow space probe balanced on its nose
Imagery from one of its rovers shows the SLIM probe landed at a peculiar angle.
Tech Insider
image taken by a Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2 (LEV-2) of a robotic moon rover called Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, or SLIM, on the moon.
Image taken by a Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2 (LEV-2) of Japan's SLIM lander upside down on the moon.
Tech Insider
A street in Okawachiyama, Saga Prefecture, Japan.
An akiya is in the rural village of Okawachiyama, in Saga Prefecture, Japan.
Tech Insider

The Gozenshu Brewery is one of the few in Japan using bodaimoto, a 600-year-old fermentation method, to make sake. They use it to make junmai, or pure rice sake that has no added alcohol or sugar. But mass-produced sake made with cheap additives is threatening the business.