
There’s enough going on in the world without your smartphone adding to your stress levels, which is why it’s worth taking a few minutes to configure your Android handset so it’s as friendly, as intuitive, and as convenient to use as possible. There are quite a few ways to go about this, and we’ve included some of our…



Android 15 preview is out today for developers, and with it comes the latest version of Google’s Privacy Sandbox, which killed third-party cookies just last month.


Android 14 is already available for Pixel phone owners and is rolling out to other handsets as we speak—and while it doesn’t include a plethora of new features, there are some cool upgrades for your handset that are worth making use of. We’ve picked out 5 of our favorites that you should try out as soon as Android 14…


Yeah, yeah, there’s all that hubbub surrounding Google’s new hardware like the Pixel 8 the company is finally showing off at its Made by Google event Wednesday.


I’m an image goblin. I can’t help it: I see something funny or cute, and I’ll scrape it from the internet to share with friends and family, far and wide. But I often forget that I saved the image to a particular phone until the next day, and by then, I’m usually at my PC, working with another batch of devices.