Gizmodo : Environment

In April 2023, SpaceX’s massive Starship rocket lifted off for the first time, sending chunks of debris thousands of feet across the South Texas landscape and sparking a fire in a nearby state park. It was an environmental nightmare; the launchpad is surrounded by a wildlife habitat that’s home to endangered species.…



With just 11 days left in the year, it’s clear that SpaceX CEO Elon Musk will not reach his stated goal of achieving 100 Falcon 9 launches in 2023. Nonetheless, the company’s achievements during the calendar year are damn impressive, with 2024 poised to be even more remarkable.


Gizmodo : Environment

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has finalized its environmental assessment of SpaceX’s new water deluge system, concluding that it’s no more dangerous than a seasonal rain shower. With that assessment out of the way, and with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also satisfied with its own evaluation, the…



With a fully stacked Starship on the pad awaiting a license to launch, SpaceX has seemingly lost its patience with the regulatory process governing its rockets. The company is calling on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to increase its efficiency in issuing launch licenses, according to media reports.



The stacking of Starship’s upper stage 25 onto booster 9 was completed on September 5 at SpaceX’s Starbase facility in Boca Chica, Texas. ​​With the megarocket now standing tall at the launch mount, SpaceX announced its readiness for the second launch, though FAA approval remains outstanding.


Gizmodo : Environment

SpaceX recently performed two tests of its new water deluge system, which is meant to protect the surrounding infrastructure during launches of the company’s Starship megarocket. The company is doing so, it would appear, without applying for the environmental permits that would have allowed SpaceX to legally discharge…