
As the cliche saying goes, the best camera is the one you always have on you. That is why smartphones have become essential pieces of kit. They help document our lives and give us a window into what’s happening at any given time.



When you’re buying a new smartphone, salesmen love pestering you to buy some increased protection — insurance, a case, and, obviously, a screen protector. The screen protector has long been hailed as a necessity, costing anywhere from $10 to $60.


I don’t like big phones. They are cumbersome to carry, they don’t fit into most of my size of pockets or purses, and I’m constantly dropping them. I wasn’t made for larger phones. But I can’t deny that they have their advantages. The bigger the phone you go, the longer the battery you’ll have so you can watch TV and…



Now that the Apple Vision Pro is finally out, these headset owners are finding, let’s say, pretty unique ways of using their $3,500 mixed reality headset. That’s not the only Apple news either; the Cupertino giant is rumored to be working on not one but two foldable iPhones.

Click through for our top product news and…


I know the headline says classic phones, and you’re probably expecting some vintage tech here. I also know you will hate me for making you feel old by making the 2000s sound like prehistoric times. So, before we start, I’d like to clarify that, as a 1997-born, these phones are my earliest memory of cell phones in…


Smartphones can take on the roles of many other gadgets—cameras, calculators, e-readers, dictaphones, and all the rest—and they can also do double duty as webcams. In fact, this functionality is now built into both Android and iOS, so it’s easier than ever to use a phone as a webcam when it’s connected to your…



XReal just revealed its Air 2 Ultra AR Glasses and seems pretty confident about them being the perfect alternative to the Apple Vision Pro. Unlike Apple’s painfully expensive $3500 spatial computer headset, the Air 2 Ultra will just set you back $700.


Every year I attend CES, I often regret leaving something behind. The thing is, I’m not a heavy packer; I’ve been at this work travel game long enough that I figured out how to fit a week’s worth of clothing, amenities, and comforts in a suitcase that fits in the overhead bin. But I need a ton of stuff to make the six…


If you’re one of those folks still grumbling about the lack of a physical keyboard on iPhones 17 years after Apple released its first smartphone, Clicks might have a solution so long as you have deep pockets.