
Live ordnance from both the First and Second World Wars are more likely to detonate as they age, according to a new study published in Royal Society Open Science.



At long last, Westeros is ready to tear itself apart in civil war (uhhh... again, although all this happened before the last time it did that for us).


There are both pluses and minuses to a movie debuting on Netflix, but one plus is that basically any and everyone will give it a shot. And since so many people did just that with the first Rebel Moon, you have to assume many will want to see where the story ends.

Gizmodo : Politics

The U.S. embassy in Russia issued a warning on Thursday that Americans should avoid large gatherings in Moscow for the next 48 hours. The embassy said it was over a potential terrorist threat in the city, but didn’t elaborate beyond mentioning concerts as a potential target. And now the embassy’s website appears to be…



Fans of the original Star Wars-inspired ride will now be able to travel through all the eras of the live-action stories from a galaxy far, far away.


In current Star Wars canon, the plot to steal the Death Star’s technical plans is incredibly straight forward: it’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the tale of Galen Erso’s sacrifice and the ragtag team that swooped down to Scarif and gave their lives to ensure that data fell into Rebel hands.

Gizmodo : Politics

If you’ve been wondering when our military would start deploying artificial intelligence on the battlefield, the answer is that it appears to be already happening.