
I want to love Siri. I really do. Every day, I walk around with a little robot that lives in my pocket and responds to simple commands. It is a full-blown miracle, the kind of thing our ancestors could only dream of. The problem is Siri’s an idiot. My digital assistant and others like it from Google and Amazon are…



If you’re the proud owner of a Google Pixel 8 Pro—or are soon to be one this holiday season—you’re about to be the latest guinea pig for the company’s big AI experiment.


Google’s latest on its list of merciless murders is the Assistant’s “animal of the day” feature. While it’s not likely that the individual command product will make the Killed by Google Graveyard anytime soon, once it’s officially phased out by the end of the month, it will mark the end of an era for the Google…


Amazon is hosting Prime Day 2.0 today and tomorrow (October 10 and 11).


Google hosted its Pixel 8 event today and announced several interesting developments.


Yeah, yeah, there’s all that hubbub surrounding Google’s new hardware like the Pixel 8 the company is finally showing off at its Made by Google event Wednesday.


You might not have realized all the tricks that your smart speakers can do yet: As well as answering questions, setting timers and alarms, queueing up music, and everything else, these gadgets can also double up as intercom systems for your entire home. It’s a feature available on Google, Amazon, and Apple smart…



You can now visit the gravestone of Microsoft’s virtual assistant app Cortana in the growing mortuary of failed products. The company ended support for the Bing search-based voice control engine on Windows to help make room for its continuing AI-ization of Bing and its bevy of other digital products and services.