Tech Insider
Tech stocks' struggles over the past two months have created a buying opportunity for investors, according to UBS.
Tech Insider
Sam Altman gesturing with both hands while talking to members of the media.
Sam Altman speaks to members of the media during Microsoft's announcement of a new, AI-powered Bing search at the company's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.
Tech Insider
.insider-raw-embed + p { display: none; } // put series title here const seriesTitle = "Revolutionizing Customer Experience with AI"; // put sponsor text here const text = "Presented by"; // put the viking id for the image here const sponsorLogoID = "64e4af22b698ac0019def9f5"; // put alt text for logo here const altText = "NICE logo"; // hub page or category page url for series const hubOrCatURL
Tech Insider
Sam Altman, the OpenAI CEO, and an illustration of GPT-4.
Sam Altman, the OpenAI CEO, and an illustration of GPT-4.
Tech Insider
jony ives and sam altman
iPhone designer Jony Ive, left, is reportedly talking to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman about making an AI hardware device.
Tech Insider : Technology
Sam Altman and his boyfriend
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, right, with his boyfriend, Oliver Mulherin, at a White House dinner in late June. Altman said the couple wants to have children.
Tech Insider
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman also attended the Sun Valley conference.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said he got scurvy after working too hard on his first start-up, Loopt.
Tech Insider : Economy
Indeed CEO and ChatGPT
CEO of Indeed Chris Hyams says he's concerned that generative AI may impact the job market.