Tech Insider
Stacey Murphy said she has no regrets about her choice to build a tiny home.
Stacey Murphy, 55, says she has no regrets about her choice to build what she calls a "tiny mansion."
Tech Insider
A former VP of HR at Microsoft, Chris Williams, shares the 4 career mistakes you should avoid making.
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider
a woman and her husband at a restaurant
Dara Abrams and her husband at Calissa, where they both work.
Tech Insider
a woman and her husband holding wine in a restaurant
DeLeeuw and her husband at a favorite local restaurant, Ecco on Overton Park in Memphis.
Tech Insider
Jon Kotwicki turned an airplane into a house which he now rents out on airbnb and uses for his flight students. .
Jon Kotwicki turned an airplane into a house which he now rents out on airbnb and uses for his flight students.