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Illustration of a person at a desk napping
Workers and bosses are likely to continue to disagree about how much effort is needed.
Tech Insider
People in an office taking a selfie for social media.
Does an Instagrammable office make it more alluring? A New York Times article highlighted some employers who are fancying up their digs to lure workers back to the office. But reaction on social media was swift — and negative.
Tech Insider
A composite of images taken from TikTok which show a visibly upset woman alongside a caption which asks how people working a 9-to-5 job have time for their life.
A TikToker went viral on the platform after complaining about her 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. job.
Tech Insider
Commuters wait for a train
A new Gallup survey found that 69% of women said work-life balance is a top reason for taking their next job.
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TIAA President and CEO Thasunda Brown Duckett
TIAA CEO Thasunda Duckett said she no longer feels like she's failing as a parent thanks to a shift in perspective that allowed her to be 100% present during the time she sets aside for her children.
Tech Insider
Gabrielle Judge sitting on a stool.
Gabrielle Judge says she purposefully chose a job where she wasn't constantly challenged and quiet quit for over one and a half years.
Tech Insider
A woman taking a coffee break in Lazio Italy.
A woman taking a coffee break in Lazio, Italy.
Tech Insider
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman also attended the Sun Valley conference.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said he got scurvy after working too hard on his first start-up, Loopt.