Tech Insider
The number of home sales per real estate agent is at its lowest level in decades
The number of home sales per real estate agent is at its lowest level in decades.
Tech Insider
A row of houses on a street.
Investors bought more than a quarter of the affordable homes in the US last quarter, Redfin said.
Tech Insider
Couple in front of a house.
Boomers are unlikely to downsize given the current affordability conditions, Redfin said.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a couple looking at the rising housing market.
A housing bubble implies an impending pop that brings home prices crashing down — but there's no pop in sight. 

Almost as soon as home prices began their unprecedented climb in 2020, doomsayers began warning of a looming crisis. The housing market, they claimed, was a bubble destined to burst.

Tech Insider : Economy
apartment buildings skyscrapers
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank warned that the commercial real estate sector faces a crisis on par with the 2008 downturn.
Tech Insider
Climate change risks are warping the housing market
Climate change risks are warping the housing market.