Tech Insider : Economy
hands tossing coins into a piggy bank
For all the flak the older generation gets, baby boomers have left millennials and Gen Z with a better and richer America.
Tech Insider
Sales, inventory, and construction are picking up in the US housing market after months of being battered by sky-high mortgage rates.
Sales, inventory, and construction are picking up in the US housing market after months of being battered by sky-high mortgage rates.
Tech Insider
couple look at a home with a for sale sign in front
The 30-year mortgage falling to 5% could bring many current homeowners back to the market to list their house for sale.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Home with a moving truck and movers carrying a sofa.
The housing market is contributing to many wealthy Americans' gloomy feeling about their futures.
Tech Insider
Downtown Provo at sunset with shops and trees lining main street and mountains in the background.
Provo, Utah, is a city that's growing in population in part due to its natural beauty and its thriving tech scene.