Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
People walk past an Evergrande Group residential complex called Evergrande Palace in Beijing on January 30, 2024.
Capital Economics forecast tumbling real-estate construction in the years ahead for China.
Tech Insider
a row of homes in San Francisco
The lock-in effect isn't going away as inventory remains tight and demand returns.
Tech Insider : Economy
Austin skyline
Some experts predicted Austin's housing market would tank, but "For Sale" signs keep turning to "Sold."
Tech Insider
Homebuyers have to earn 80% more than they did pre-covid to comfortably afford a house today.
Homebuyers have to earn 80% more than they did pre-covid to comfortably afford a house today.
Tech Insider : Economy
housing market neighborhood
Housing inventory is showing signs of improvement.
Tech Insider : Economy
Photo illustration of a mailbox with the wall street bull.
American homeowners saw the value of their houses boom over the past few years — and big Wall Street investors want in on the action.

It was shortly before Christmas 2021 when Kennis Schummer received a letter that changed his life.