Tech Insider
Woman passing through security check in a office building holding coffee and scanning in her employee ID badge
Coffee badging refers to workers who swipe in at the office solely to meet return-to-office requirements but don't do much work there, instead leaving quickly to finish their work elsewhere.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
remote worker mountains
Working remotely has become the new norm, but it's not always good for our bank accounts.
Tech Insider : Economy
Shadow workers are immersed in darkness behind a screen
Across the globe, a wave of workers are secretly outsourcing parts or all of their jobs.

Remi never intended to secretly outsource her job. It sort of just happened.

Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
overemployed remote worker
A Texas millennial is making six figures by secretly working two remote jobs, but he said it's taken a toll on his health and relationships. The worker in the story is not pictured.
Tech Insider : Economy
A sad Dog working at a desk with a post it note saying
Work friendships are dying out, and it may be for the best.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
overemployed man retiring
A California millennial says secretly working two remote jobs helped him save for an early retirement — but that he's happy he's back to just one job.
Tech Insider
Photo illustration of a man on the computer.
Dell's return-to-office policy has faced internal resistance.
Tech Insider : Economy
hybrid work
Workers really can have it all — working from home and the office doesn't seem to impact productivity or performance.