Tech Insider
L'Oreal is clamping down on work-from-home Fridays.
Tech Insider : Economy
A sparkling cubicle
The return to the office has made the long-despised cubicle seem great, actually.
Tech Insider
Commuters arrive on Wall Street
Strict return-to-office mandates can make top workers want to leave.
Tech Insider : Travel
colleagues walking on a path
A successful company retreat should outline the retreat's goals, including networking, relaxing, or brainstorming.
Tech Insider
A businessman sits at his office desk, his forehead held in his hands, his elbows propped up on the desk before him, circa 1945. An ashtray and paperwork on the desk.
Remote workers are 35% more likely to be laid off than their in-office peers, The Wall Street Journal reported.