Tech Insider
Image of a virtual office filled with real people on video feeds
Katmai hopes to make remote work better by filling virtual offices with real people.
Tech Insider
Businesswoman with headphones smiling during video conference.
The remote-work trend doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
A millennial man working from home with his dog
Millennials are fueling the ongoing work-from-home boom.
Tech Insider
View over busy Gangnam district at dusk. Seoul. South Korea.
Most office buildings in Seoul are full again thanks to white-collar workers returning to the office.
Tech Insider
United Auto Workers members walk the picket line in Wayne, Michigan
United Auto Workers members pushed the Detroit Three for better pay and a four-day workweek.
Tech Insider
Employers can focus on explaining how being in the office can help workers' careers.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Photo of Roxy Couse
Roxy Couse, who works remotely, shared tips for work-from-home fatigue.