
A new, feature-length Wynonna Earp film is in the works for discerning Tubi subscribers, and Rebel Moon part two has its rating. It’s spoilerin’ time!



Fans of Game of Thrones will remember that a key character, hunky sellsword Daario Naharis, looked rather different in season four after debuting in season three—and now the two actors who played him, Ed Skrein and Michiel Huisman, are sharing the screen in


Zack Snyder knows what he’s doing. Whether it’s using his considerable popularity to his artistic benefit, or focusing on every single piece of minutia in a movie, the filmmaker is completely aware.


Zack Snyder is used to topping the box office, but his latest release has conquered a different playing field.


No matter how you felt about the first part of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon, odds are you’re curious about what happens next.


“Snyderverse.” Whether you know the word or not, odds are you’ve heard it. And, for several years, it very clearly referred to the series of DC films director Zack Snyder directed and produced at Warner Bros.