Tech Insider
A Tesla owner said he camps in his Model S on long road trips.
A Tesla owner said he camps in his Model S on long road trips.

Tesla reportedly created a secretive “Diversion Team” tasked with trying to quickly divert and cancel as many appointments for range-related issues as possible.

Tech Insider
Elon Musk sitting in the a passenger seat of a black Tesla with a white interior while wearing a black suit and tie.
Elon Musk gave the order himself for Teslas to present overly optimistic estimates of driving range, report says.
Tech Insider
Different Tesla vehicles
A new Deloitte study found only 30% of US car-buyers are considering going electric for their next vehicle.
Tech Insider
A Tesla Model S at a charging station in New York.
The White House said Wednesday that Tesla will open up its charging network to other EVs to help chip away at the Biden administration's ambitious US charger goal.
Tech Insider
In this photo illustration the Google, Gmail and Google Maps app icons seen displayed on a smartphone screen.
Google's new maps features will include a "very fast charging filter" to help EVs charge in a hurry, Google Geo head Chris Phillips said.
Tech Insider
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