Tech Insider
A Typhoon takes off from RAF Coningsby in Linconshire
RAF fighter jets (pictured on a separate occasion) might have been the source of the "loud bang."
Tech Insider
Delta pilot picket.
Negotiations for a new contract started in April 2019, were paused for two years due to the coronavirus pandemic, and resumed in January 2022.
Tech Insider
JetBlue Airways Embraer ERJ-190AR commercial aircraft
JetBlue Airways Embraer ERJ-190AR commercial aircraft.
Tech Insider
American Airlines jet at LaGuardia
The West Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force led the investigation of the aircraft, its passengers, and their luggage last Friday.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics, Travel
aerial view of a plane with the top rolled open like a sardine tin to reveal a crowd of people inside
Shortsighted decisions that prioritized efficiency and price cuts over quality and comfort have made air travel and airline customer service a total mess.

It all started with one dumb law