Tech Insider
Jon Kotwicki turned an airplane into a house which he now rents out on airbnb and uses for his flight students. .
Jon Kotwicki turned an airplane into a house which he now rents out on airbnb and uses for his flight students.
Tech Insider
Gabrielle Judge sitting on a stool.
Gabrielle Judge says she purposefully chose a job where she wasn't constantly challenged and quiet quit for over one and a half years.
Tech Insider
Iain and Brioni Cameron on their boat.
Iain and Brioni Cameron say they'll continue living on their boat until a more exciting adventure comes along.
Tech Insider
Davrick Hayes outdoors in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Davrick Hayes says he's enjoyed his time in North Dakota, but doesn't plan on staying.
Tech Insider
William Hanson an etiquette coach and director at The English Manner
William Hanson is an etiquette coach and director at The English Manner